Monday, November 18, 2013

This happened in real life...

Hey (insert company name) hiring team,
I was totally going to do a video cover letter, but here’s the thing: I am sitting here at 2:30am in my pajamas and no make-up on. You see, I am trying to finish up my Bachelor’s degree in the next couple of weeks and I guess I might be going a little bit crazy. And that wouldn’t be a very good way to start out when applying for the (insert position); however, I am very interested in working for your team because I like awesome and you people seem pretty awesome.  
In a few short (or very long) weeks, I will be the holder of a BS degree in Sociology from Southern Utah University. I have a real passion for working with and for people, using my talents and creativity, and for being weird. My degree has allowed me to experience and participate in many different aspects of society and I’m itching for some new challenges.
My interests include: community service/giving back, sociology/people watching, crafting/creating, social media, and listening to really great music. I am also a huge basketball fanatic and can’t wait to come and cheer UNLV on this year! Among other things, I also happen to be a Pinterest addict and a self-proclaimed cat-lady. If that’s not enough, I don’t know what is? You can check out my social media links here: Facebook:   Twitter:  Instagram: jilltotherescue, and if you promise not to judge, I’ll even tell you my Pinterest:
That’s enough about me, perhaps even too much, but I am excited to hear back from you. I might even arrange to shower and get dressed before the interview!  
Jill Decker

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