Thursday, October 31, 2013

Perks to Being a Cat Lady- Part 1

Since I missed math yesterday, I was unaware that we were supposed to dress up for Halloween in order to get extra credit. When the professor asked why I didn't dress up I told him that I was dressed up. He looked at me again, as I sat there in my basketball shorts and t-shirt, and asked what I was supposed to be. I told him that I was a cat lady. Boom. Extra credit.

So while it might be annoying to have cat hair all over me every day, it paid off today! And that, my friends, is a perk of being a cat lady. No costumes needed on Halloween. Just be you.  (source)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Force Your Cat to Love You

How to encourage force your cat to love you in ten simple steps:

  1. Get the cat when it is a small kitten. It works best if the kitten was previously abandoned and possibly starving. 
  2. Feed the cat. 
  3. Let the kitten scratch the shit out of you. 
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for the first year of the kittens life. 
  5. Force cuddle the kitty any chance you get. 
  6. Pretend you don't care if the kitty cuddles with you. Reverse psychology works great with kittens/cats.
  7. Bribe your kitty to cuddle with you by giving him or her treats. 
  8. Buy a leash and a harness for your kitty. Attempt to take your kitty on a walk. After you find out that cats actually hate that shit, rescue the cat from the harness and cuddle it. 
  9. Buy cute outfits for your kitty and attempt to dress it; cats hate that and once you figure that out, you will never do that again. The cat will love you for this. 
  10. Let the cat do whatever the hell it wants to do.
Best of luck in your journey to forcing helping your cat love you.

Cat Lady

Hello, there! I'm Jill and I am a self-proclaimed cat lady. But hold on a second...there's a back story that should be told whenever I tell anyone this fact about me.

Once upon a time, I hated cats. Literally, I hated them so much and I never wanted to own one. Ever. I always thought I was a dog person and had dogs all growing up. I loved dogs so much. And then I met Calvin (my cat). He was a tiny little baby who had been rescued and he needed a home; I couldn't say no. Calv and I had a love-hate relationship at first- I loved him and he hated me. I was covered in scratches and I just thought he was the greatest thing on earth. Literally, I loved him so much. In fact, I still do...

And then my roomie and I had a great idea to get another cat! How great would that be?! We went to the shelter and we found Gretchen. She is the sweetest cat in the whole world, she loves to cuddle, and she'd be happy frolicking outside all day long. Completely opposite of Calvin. And yet, I just never could form the same bond with Gretchen that I have with Calv. She was my roomies cat and Calv was mine...and then my roomie moved out and Gretchen stayed.

Great, now I was a legit cat lady. But that was okay, because Calv made up for it.  So in a matter of months I went from hating cats to being quite obsessed with my own cat, it has definitely been quite a ride. The world of cat lady life is not for everyone, but it works out wonderfully for me. Plus, it makes it pretty easy to buy me birthday or Christmas presents because there are some pretty wonderful, gaggy cat gifts out there!

Calv and I